On the Case: 5 Questions for Detective Derick Waller

In this installment of “On the Case,” we talk to Detective Derick Waller, who is one of the NYPD 12, a group of minority officers who sued New York City and the department in 2016 over the use of illegal and discriminatory arrest quotas. Detective Waller retired from the NYPD on August 31, 2016, after serving 21-3/4 years. He is […]

Why I Write

Like most writers I know, I write because I have to. Not the kind of have to where you’re going to die if you don’t.  Or even the kind of have to because if you don’t you can’t pay the bills and you’ll starve to death and so will your family and then you’ll be thrown out on the street

I Do a Lot of Research for My Novels…Well, Sort Of.

One question I get asked frequently as a mystery author is whether I spend a great deal of time doing research before writing my novels. The answer is yes. I’ve done a heckuva lot of research for my books. Just not the kind you might think. I’m a longtime New York City journalist (New York Post, New York Daily News,

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