Crime Craft: How Can Crime Writers Gain More Publicity?
Terena Bell is a book publicist and fiction writer. As a publicist, she’s secured clients coverage the Today show, […]
Terena Bell is a book publicist and fiction writer. As a publicist, she’s secured clients coverage the Today show, […]
MWA members and the public gathered on February 7 at the Montclair Women’s Club in New Jersey for “Behind The Darkness: True Crime,” panel discussion moderated by Dawn Barclay. The panel, comprising Elizabeth Kerri Mahon, David Bushman, and Russ Colchamiro, peeled back the layers on this terrifying and addictive genre. There was a wonderful exchange of ideas with the
New Program Chair Kate Hohl invites you to a Zoom meeting. IMPORTANT: CrimeCraft will be on the third Tuesday