The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Get Your Book “Discovered”

This is the third in Valerie Peterson’s series on author marketing. You may want to check out her previous articles, “7 Common Mistakes of an Author Website” and “How to Create a ‘Selling’ Author Bio.” “Book discovery” is a much-used buzz-phrase of the publishing industry. In the increasingly competitive and very digital book marketplace with shrinking readerships and revenues, authors, […]

7 Common Mistakes of an Author Website

Your author website is the cornerstone of your media platform, and it’s the one piece of real estate that you can (mostly) control. Your author website is the thing that: 1. Validates you as a professional writer with a knowledge of the marketplace (even before you publish) 2. Substantiates your ability to draw in an audience – which is what


Romantic suspense novelist and MWA-NY Board Member Laura K. Curtis discusses why you as an author need to have a digital home on the Internet.


“Are you killing time?” she asked. “Yes,” I said, “and I’ve got the bar tab to prove it.” “Would you like some company?”  She sat down on the stool to my right without waiting for an answer. She was not what you would call a pretty woman, but sitting in the bar at O’Hare, two hours to kill until boarding,

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